Saturday, March 15, 2008

So I just read this article

and wonder if this is one of the ways the Republicans would come after Obama should he be the nominee. It talks about Obama's Pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and his beliefs and comments on 9/11, america and racism. It's interesting.
I do favor Clinton, I would love to see the US in the hands of a woman, I really think it could make a difference in how the country perceives itself ( of course, having a black President would also change perceptions, but after that wears off, Obama is still another man vying for the White House. I think he would be a good President, I mean, shit, after Dubya I guess we can say the standards for sitting in the Oval Office have been kinda lowered. Either way, it'd be interesting to have a President who can actually form coherent sentences .... hehehe that way they can lie better )

I've been thinking about why I want Hillary Clinton to get the nomination. First, I don't get Obama fever. Last time I was in the US though, I saw all these kids in the streets of NY and DC, and was excited at how excited they were for Obama. I hope that if Obama doesn't get it ( the nomination) they will still remain as committed to the process.
Now, in general, most people vote for the person they like the most, hence W in the White House as Gail Collins mentioned in her article. Now, how hard can it be to sell to the american people the notion that "Hey, you don't have to like me.... but can you trust me to do this job for you".
For once it'd be cool to see Hillary Clinton say something like "Ok, you know ( she says 'you know' a lot.) I understand that a lot of people don't like me. That's ok. I'm not here to be liked, I'm here to work my ass off for you. I'm asking for that chance. Know that if you trust me, if you give me the chance to be the first woman in the White House, if we make history together, I will not let you down. I will work work work ( that's the key word). The Presidency is a job and I'm looking forward to spending all the hours necessary AT work to make this a better country for all of us. For our children and our children's children. America is already the greatest country in the world, the greatest country civilization has ever seen. It is a country where a little girl from Illinois could grow up and have the OPPORTUNITY to make a case for the White House. I am a woman of no pedigree. It is a country where a former vietnam POW could have the opportunity to have a distinguished career in politics, and still be viable as the possible leader of our great nation at 71.
It is a country where a child brought up by a single mom could live the dream. Could make a country all of a sudden become color blind.
I'm proud of this country. I'm proud that for many gender and race are a non-issue, as it should be. We are all americans.
The truth is, this country will not go down the drain if you choose Obama, or if McCain wins in the long run because we are a point right now in history where there has been a great awakening. Obama is right. WE are the change we have been waiting for. WE as in we the people. We are here, to get involved. No longer is apathy an option. We have seen what tuning out can lead to. Irresponsible leaders who think they can't be held accountable for their decisions.
Ladies and gentlemen, I voted to give the President the authority to take us to war if necessary because at that moment, I thought it was the right thing to do.
Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow americans, nothing is black and white. There are many shades of gray that we in congress get to see as representatives of the people that can sway an argument in many directions.
I appeal to our national spirit of faith in work, faith in our religions, faith in our families. Our faith in freedom and the idea that standing up for oneself is not only possible in america, it is expected.
Give me the chance to be the one who works to make this country greater! Give me the chance to fix what wasn't broken before but this administration has shattered. Give me the chance to restore our faith in our leaders.
Give me the chance to WORK for you. Thank you. God bless america!"

Well, something like that. Of course, maybe it's a little to far fetched.

So I just went on a rant....

1 comment:

Josefina said...

you could be an inspiring speech writer. i'm impressed.