Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So I haven´t blogged since....

It´s been a while. Had forgotten about this blog, ...
I just got through shooting a music video on the 21st and 22nd with Puturru de Fua. It´s for a track off our new album and it´s a take on creation with a twist

Sunday, March 30, 2008

So I just got through this week

Spent most of it in Madrid then returned on friday to zaragoza to play a show with my bitches,, Las Fulanas. It was a fun show, lots of booze ....

Friday, March 21, 2008

So I just got up

Good friday. Last night I went to bed at 12. That's pretty good considering the night before I closed the barI frequent and then partied a little more.
But it's march, and I'd been wondering whatever happened to that New Year's resolution of starting to work out again. I have been doing some exercise and I definetely have been walking a lot, for example last monday I walked around Madrid for more than 4 hours. I think that counts.
It's 7am, and I just wanted to start the day early, read, write, listen to music, clean up the house, etc. alas, do some chores. I want to be sleepy at 3pm and take a 1 hour siesta or whatever, instead of getting up at at 11 or 12.
It's holy week here in Zaragoza and the KKK looking processions have been going over all over the city, they actually pass below my window with their drums and incense and horns. Maybe today I'll finally go take some pictures.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

So I just read Dick Cavett

on William F. Buckley, Jr. Great blog. If you click on the title of this post it should take you directly to the website.
This was great from the story, a dedication that Buckley once wrote to Cavett in a book:
To Richard, in deepest gratitude for “More in Seurat than in Ingres.” May I use it?
With affection,

Now, I was really confused as to WTF this means, it's in reference to french painters but what was the play on words on...

somebody posted this in a comment:

It always hurts to have to explain a bon mot, but here goes:

Hamlet: What, look’d he frowningly?
Horatio: A countenance more in sorrow than in anger.

So there you go!

So I just got chills

reading Bob Herbert at His column focuses on NY Governor to be David Paterson. What gave me chills or goosebumps was what Eliot Spitzer told Paterson on the phone before he resigned.

Herbert writes:
The call from Mr. Spitzer himself came at 10 minutes after 10 a.m. on Wednesday. Mr. Paterson remembers it this way:

“He said, ‘I’m going to resign.’ And then, at that turbulent moment in his life, he gave me such a kind compliment. He said, ‘David, I told you that in the event I didn’t serve my full term that I wanted a person there who understood how Albany worked and could work well with colleagues. Right now, as bad as I feel about myself, I am so happy about convincing you to come with me.’ ”

Mr. Paterson said he was buoyed by the governor’s words and that they eased his own growing anxiety.

Good column.

So I just

realized that when you ask a woman "what do you want to do?" and she answers "you know what I want." Well, darn it... you just shut the fuck up and don't ask any more questions. The deal is done, you've sold the vacuum cleaner, start billing the hours. Don't blow it, don't say something stupid....oooooops! you had to open your mouth didn't you. Hahahhaa

So I just said...

out loud, to myself "If there is a god, thank you!". I am an atheist, but man...
I'm listening to Freddie Hubbard's Mr. Clean. Damn I love music! and I'm thankful to whatever that I can appreciate music and that I can play an instrument and express myself. Damn I love music! MUSIC!!

So I just read this article

and wonder if this is one of the ways the Republicans would come after Obama should he be the nominee. It talks about Obama's Pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and his beliefs and comments on 9/11, america and racism. It's interesting.
I do favor Clinton, I would love to see the US in the hands of a woman, I really think it could make a difference in how the country perceives itself ( of course, having a black President would also change perceptions, but after that wears off, Obama is still another man vying for the White House. I think he would be a good President, I mean, shit, after Dubya I guess we can say the standards for sitting in the Oval Office have been kinda lowered. Either way, it'd be interesting to have a President who can actually form coherent sentences .... hehehe that way they can lie better )

I've been thinking about why I want Hillary Clinton to get the nomination. First, I don't get Obama fever. Last time I was in the US though, I saw all these kids in the streets of NY and DC, and was excited at how excited they were for Obama. I hope that if Obama doesn't get it ( the nomination) they will still remain as committed to the process.
Now, in general, most people vote for the person they like the most, hence W in the White House as Gail Collins mentioned in her article. Now, how hard can it be to sell to the american people the notion that "Hey, you don't have to like me.... but can you trust me to do this job for you".
For once it'd be cool to see Hillary Clinton say something like "Ok, you know ( she says 'you know' a lot.) I understand that a lot of people don't like me. That's ok. I'm not here to be liked, I'm here to work my ass off for you. I'm asking for that chance. Know that if you trust me, if you give me the chance to be the first woman in the White House, if we make history together, I will not let you down. I will work work work ( that's the key word). The Presidency is a job and I'm looking forward to spending all the hours necessary AT work to make this a better country for all of us. For our children and our children's children. America is already the greatest country in the world, the greatest country civilization has ever seen. It is a country where a little girl from Illinois could grow up and have the OPPORTUNITY to make a case for the White House. I am a woman of no pedigree. It is a country where a former vietnam POW could have the opportunity to have a distinguished career in politics, and still be viable as the possible leader of our great nation at 71.
It is a country where a child brought up by a single mom could live the dream. Could make a country all of a sudden become color blind.
I'm proud of this country. I'm proud that for many gender and race are a non-issue, as it should be. We are all americans.
The truth is, this country will not go down the drain if you choose Obama, or if McCain wins in the long run because we are a point right now in history where there has been a great awakening. Obama is right. WE are the change we have been waiting for. WE as in we the people. We are here, to get involved. No longer is apathy an option. We have seen what tuning out can lead to. Irresponsible leaders who think they can't be held accountable for their decisions.
Ladies and gentlemen, I voted to give the President the authority to take us to war if necessary because at that moment, I thought it was the right thing to do.
Ladies and gentlemen, my fellow americans, nothing is black and white. There are many shades of gray that we in congress get to see as representatives of the people that can sway an argument in many directions.
I appeal to our national spirit of faith in work, faith in our religions, faith in our families. Our faith in freedom and the idea that standing up for oneself is not only possible in america, it is expected.
Give me the chance to be the one who works to make this country greater! Give me the chance to fix what wasn't broken before but this administration has shattered. Give me the chance to restore our faith in our leaders.
Give me the chance to WORK for you. Thank you. God bless america!"

Well, something like that. Of course, maybe it's a little to far fetched.

So I just went on a rant....

So I just read Gail Collins.

Ah, Gail Gail Gail, the ever witty Gail...
About Bush: Really, if he can’t fix the economy, the least he could do is rehearse the speech.

" The country that elected George Bush — sort of — because he seemed like he’d be more fun to have a beer with than Al Gore or John Kerry is really getting its comeuppance. Our credit markets are foundering, and all we’ve got is a guy who looks like he’s ready to kick back and start the weekend."

Check it out

So I just got...

back from Madrid last night to find my fucking cat in heat. AGAIN! What the hell is going on here? Is it normal for a cat to go through so many cycles in such a short time? Maybe it's because spring is arriving. Anyway, I was gonna stay home but after my friend came over and urged me to go hang out, ( I'd said no) I called him after he left, like 3 o 4 mins after and told him to wait for me at the usual place. From there we went to Trilogy, a heavy metal bar here in Zaragoza. I was in the mood to listen to some metal and rock after we had been listening to some 70's rock in the form of Thin Lizzy, Foghat... I was even looking up 38. Special on Youtube, 3 guitar attack.
So we hooked with some more friends at the bar. etc etc etc.
I just got back home half and hour ago, 1:30 saturday afternoon. HOrns UP! Long live rock!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

So I just

hit my friend Jojo up for a loan. 800 euros is what I'm looking for. Unfortunately, asking someone on the other side of the atlantic is insane because the dollar is shrinking... it is screaming woe is me, mini me mini me, the once laughable euro is sinking me....
People..... 1 euro last week would get you 1.65 or so.... my friends in Europe are all smiles thinking of all the great things they can buy in the US now.

So I just...

met the boyfriend of the first girl that ever drove me nuts in this city ( zaragoza that is). Very cool dude!

So I just

drank 2 leffes at Angel Azul my fave pub in Zaragoza

So I just uploaded

a whole shitload of pics to my facebook profile. New Year's, hanging in nYC.... old pics some of them... why the hell does it take so long to sift through them. Ah, yes... that's right, nowadays we take tons of pics because .... we can. Yes, we can! Yes... We... Can. Lots of GB's

So I just read Gail Collins

at about Gov. Spitzer and deception and wondering who else is hiding something from voters. favorite quip "Sure, you think you’re up on the issues. And you watch for character flaws — we’ve been watching Hillary Clinton’s for so long we could give them pet names. But we don’t really know."
and this...
(Memo to future disgraced politicians: The nation has discussed this at length, and we do not want to see any more stricken spouses at the press conference. Not even if she volunteers; it’s your moment of supreme humiliation, not hers...)
Read it @ Gail Collins

btw, I felt really pissed of at Spitz for doing that to his wife. asshole!

So I just got this idea

To blog stupid things.
What did you just get??
Get a new cd? A call from an old flame? A weird SmS?