Wednesday, May 5, 2010

So I just decided to start blogging again

I've decided I'm going to start blogging again, doesn't matter if anyone reads it or not. See, the problem with these blogs is that I have a few of them and have never really maintained any. Don't want to combine them cause one has nothing to do with the other. Take, for example, one I began writing in 2006 and haven't touched since about my experiences living in Europe. There's also my personal blog which isn't really so personal as I publish stuff about my music, musings, pictures, experiences, et al, there. So what should I do? Well, maybe just write a little bit in all of them as, alas, the purpose of it all was to get into the rhythm of writing. If you've ever written or tried to write anything, you know that one of the most difficult things is to be consistent, to actually write, to sit down and DO IT! Discipline.
Now, I read a lot, I listen to a lot of music, I even scribble a lot on pads and notebooks, sometimes even napkins.
So, now, I'll be blogging about...well, just about anything that pleases, teaser, or pisses me off... and if I pick up a few readers along the way... well, hallelujah.

I'll leave the link to my main blog...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So I haven´t blogged since....

It´s been a while. Had forgotten about this blog, ...
I just got through shooting a music video on the 21st and 22nd with Puturru de Fua. It´s for a track off our new album and it´s a take on creation with a twist

Sunday, March 30, 2008

So I just got through this week

Spent most of it in Madrid then returned on friday to zaragoza to play a show with my bitches,, Las Fulanas. It was a fun show, lots of booze ....

Friday, March 21, 2008

So I just got up

Good friday. Last night I went to bed at 12. That's pretty good considering the night before I closed the barI frequent and then partied a little more.
But it's march, and I'd been wondering whatever happened to that New Year's resolution of starting to work out again. I have been doing some exercise and I definetely have been walking a lot, for example last monday I walked around Madrid for more than 4 hours. I think that counts.
It's 7am, and I just wanted to start the day early, read, write, listen to music, clean up the house, etc. alas, do some chores. I want to be sleepy at 3pm and take a 1 hour siesta or whatever, instead of getting up at at 11 or 12.
It's holy week here in Zaragoza and the KKK looking processions have been going over all over the city, they actually pass below my window with their drums and incense and horns. Maybe today I'll finally go take some pictures.